How Couples Can Manage Their Money and Avoid Conflicts

couple leaning on wall

Whether you are newlyweds or married for 20 years, money problems can be a significant relationship killer. Having a prenuptial agreement is not a guarantee that you won’t have financial conflicts with your spouse. Luckily, conflict resolution in relationships is not complicated if both parties are willing to iron out their differences. Here’s what you can do to eliminate the financial crisis in your marriage.

1.     Talk about Money

According to a survey by Ramsey Solutions, couples who say they are happy in their marriage are twice as likely to discuss financial matters as those in crisis. That is why you should have weekly or monthly sit-downs with your partner to talk about budgeting, paying bills, and goals.

Establish ground rules so that your discussions don’t turn into fights or arguments. Check out these suggestions to guide your porno conversations:

·         Commit to working as a team

Even if you run separate accounts, remember that you are in a union, so you should have common interests and goals. Achieving your plans is easier when you cooperate.

·         Commit to listening

Instead of focusing on explaining your point, work on listening and understanding your partner’s concerns. When you listen to each other, you will communicate better.

·         Commit to transparency

Maintaining openness with your partner can be scary because of fearing what they will think of you. However, lies and omitting vital details will only erode trust and prevent you from growing.

2.     Appreciate Your Different Personalities

man in black shirt wearing silver ring

Everyone’s money mindset varies, and opposites usually attract. The chances are that one of you is a nerd and loves working with numbers, while the other is free-spirited and doesn’t like being tied down by numbers. If you are a saver, your partner might be a spender. Although personality differences often cause conflicts, it’s not the actual cause of money problems. Recognize your partner’s differences and then give feedback, encouragement, and positive criticism.

3.     Be Open About Your Earnings

Harboring secrets is a surefire way of creating financial conflicts in your marriage. Be open about how much you make, your savings, and your debts. If you are uncomfortable communicating verbally about this, you can write them a note. Don’t forget to talk about your history with money too.

4.     Share Your Dreams and Goals

If you want to have a successful financial plan as a couple, you should open up about your hopes, goals, and dreams. While you should have individual ambitions, having a shared goal makes your life a couple more interesting. An example of a personal plan is going back to school, while a shared one is buying a home or traveling together after retirement.  

5.     Choose a Fair Payment Plan

man and woman standing in front of sink

Now that you are an open book regarding your financial status and plans, you can now share roles. Not every strategy will be a 50/50 split because you don’t all have the same income. First, make a budget and then consider how much each partner earns. You can then decide who will take care of what bill. Remember to budget for your goals.

As your lives change, so does your financial situation. Always revisit your plan and make necessary adjustments—all the best and cheers to a happy relationship.